Well, sort of.
My prayers (?) have been answered. I will be rather busy starting tomorrow morning. At least I might feel useful.
On the other hand, I'm in a lot of pain. My back has locked up in the past two days and movement of any kind is really quite painful. Sitting for a long time, standing for a long time - I just seem to be uncomfortable no matter what I try to do.
So I caved in. I called a local chiropractor, had him contact my chiro in Delaware, and went in for the adjustment. Different method, but nonetheless, useful. My back still hurts, but that's to be expected considering that I haven't had an adjustment in weeks. The whole "unwinding" thing that I don't feel like going into. But instead of the bear hugs that I get from my chiro, I had the "drop" method. Which is really interesting. You lie on your stomach onto a table where the waist down moves. The doctor pokes around on your back, lifts up that part of the table, presses on the vertebrae, and then the table drops, moving your back into the correct position. It's interesting. To say the least. But I can already tell my back is unlocked. Now it's just sore as hell and I need to be drinking lots of water because of all the moving around they did back there (all the negative juice the spine releases when adjusted). So I think I'm headed for the jacuzzi as soon as I post this.
But why am I a happy monkee? A few reasons.
1. I will be busy starting tomorrow. GOTV, here I come.
2. AFSCME has been working their little butts off over here. And it makes me happy knowing we're kicking ass and taking names.
3. I drove by two Frank Lloyd Wright houses here in Buffalo - might be the best I can do given my schedule. Maybe I can work in a tour. I'm hoping. But driving by was enough - jeebus, that man was a brilliant designer and architect.
So yesterday I spent all day at the AFSCME office, which happens to be right 'round the corner from the Righteous Babe Records Headquarters - which I didn't know was there (Ani DiFranco's company - for those who don't know) - and across the street from the future home of Righteous Babe Records, the church the company saved from demolition (I did know this).
And as we were leaving to go to lunch, apparently, my car keys fell out of the hole in my old peajacket pocket. I'd mend the hole if I had some cloth and a needle and thread. I heart this old jacket.
Either way, my keys fell out. Neat.
It wasn't until I was done with lunch 15 minutes away did I realize my keys must have fallen out of the pocket. I had gotten a call over lunch that I ignored because I didn't recognize the number. Turns out someone had found my keys, called the Avis number, and Avis called me to give me the guy's information. So I called. Matt is the guy who had my keys and he told me to come over to 121 W. Tupper Street, right around the corner from the AFSCME office.
So I walk into the place. And suddenly, it becomes clear. I'm standing right in the entrance of Righteous Babe Records, a Mecca for any aspiring independent musician. And after I ask for Matt, I say, "So you guys are here, huh?" They were like, "Yes, yes we are." They were all really laid back and cool. And so then I take a look around and realize that all of the RBR products are on shelves, posters, promo materials are all over the walls. And I ask if I can buy RBR stuff there instead of online and they're like, "Hell yes, you can."
So being busy with AFSCME work yesterday, I told them I'd return to take a look around. So I returned today.
Spent a pretty penny, but I ended up chatting with the folks that worked there, getting to know them. I think we all thought each other was cool. So I tell them that I'll definitely be back for more when Matt asks me if I want some free stuff. Hell to the yes.
I ask them when they are moving into their new space. They were like, "How long are you in town?" I told them that I was only here for another week when Matt and the other chick (I never got her name) were like, "Well you have to definitely come back for the opening or after we open, we'll give you a grand tour of the space - the whole nine."
Who wants to go to Buffalo in January or February? I'm totally taking them up on this offer.
So not only did I spend a lot of money, but I walked away with loads of Ani promo material that's pretty damn cool. And for someone who's been listening to her since I was 15 (that would be eleven years and counting), this is a pretty damn cool day. And I made some pretty cool friends in the meantime. I think I'm going back there soon.
In the meantime, it's to the jacuzzi for me. Surreal.
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