Last evening, the Philly Phabulous girls and I, under the name, Alicia Keyes is my Second Cousin Twice Removed, CAME IN FIRST PLACE IN QUIZZO LAST NIGHT!
Yes. I come to you with much gloat. Of course, the evil Sofa Kingdom wasn't there, but that's neither here nor there. We finally broke the 100 point mark last evening to win by 2 points. Good thing Jill and I spent an hour studying "Today in History" before Quizzo.
I know we're geeks. Embrace it.
But as Johnny Goodtimes (the Quizzo Master) surmised, we won because of Nick and Jessica's love. Or lack of, now that the two of them are separated. See, the wild card round, in honor of the separation, Johnny thought it would be fun to have the topic be "Famous Jessicas and Nicks in History." And thanks to Jessica Tandy, Stevie Nicks, Eight is Enough, and Nick Nolte, we got every single question in the round correct, moving us from 4th to last to 3rd place. We had done decently in the first round, bombed the second, and then rocked the 3rd. We then also get only one wrong in the Impossible Round and thanks to LBJ, Malaysia (the big 10 point question), and Michigan Football, we managed the win.
Seriously. Johnny was proud (the team picture will be there soon). So we got gloating rights for an eveing, $40 off the bar tab, decided to share with the guys at the table next to us (who gave us the correct answer to one in the impossible round), little old man at the bar (who gave us the correct answer to another one in the impossible round), shots of Jameson all around, and then closed the bar. We managed to make a few more friends as the night went on, but all in all in good fun.
That's the good news.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, Alicia Keyes is Jill's second cousin twice removed. Yeah. We were surprised, too.
'Till next time...
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