
When in Rome...

...there will be funny quotes. The girls and I got together for a weekend of fun in NYC. A birthday, a friend in need, and some old-fashioned fun that included fortune telling, Tarot cards, MASH, Tom Hanks' butt sweat, dinosaurs, tigers, a giant squid, mani-pedis, iHop, and some serious spiritual enlightenment.

In short, it was everything I needed for what I've been dealing with. And I know fun was had by all. And now that I'm back to dealing with everything on a moment by moment basis, I take a quick minute to enjoy the revelry that was had.

Without ado, the quote board:

"Oh, you fell out."
-Vicki (re: page in tarot book)
"That's what she said."
"That sucks when that happens."

"You guys look like organic brown eggs!"
-So Young

"She was getting all into it by the bathroom."
-Jill (I can't actually remember where we were for this one...)

"I've been really fruiting it up lately.
...That was awful."

"You see Yankee Doodle? The big horse with the man on it?"
-So Young to Vicki on the phone
"That's actually Theodore Roosevelt."
"Right, we're behind the Yankee Doodle, with the guy on the horse."
-So Young
"Theodore Roosevelt."
"The big green horse with Yankee Doodle, Theodore Roosevelt, whatever. Yeah."
-So Young

"I need a safety pin!"
-Young boy with pants falling down outside of the Museum of Natural History
"You need a belt. It's not hard. You put your pants on in the morning and then you get a belt and put it on. It's what men do."
-His father as he tried to safety pin his son's pants

"Danny DeVito!"
-So Young (in a raucous game of MASH)
"I don't like short guys. I think Keeza's actually taller than him."
-Jill (For the record, Danny DeVito stands a hot 5'0", so technically, we're the same height. Yes, I looked it up)

"It could be a bonnet!"
-Christine (re: Jill's bra)

"Take care of Vanna White, she's hot."
-A bum on the street after asking for cigarettes and money

"Will someone give me a foot massage?"
"Oh my God, I've been waiting to ask you all night!"

"Vicki, you wanted to watch porn..."
"I don't have my glasses."

"Aren't dwarfs disproportionate? You can't be one, Keez."

"It could be worse. He could have said, 'I have yellow fever.'"
-Jill (in regards to scary Match.com guys)

Of course, these were the only ones we managed to write down. There was much more.

Sigh. Back to the grind. Cheers, all.


Something comes along and fucks it all up.

In a rough spot I'm not entirely sure how to get out of but I am glad for the people around me who are supporting me on my way through.

So I don't know how long it will take until I'm ready to feel good again. But I know the time will come. And my heart will catch up to my mind.

In the meantime, I'll be rather introspective. Throwing myself into work. Reconnecting with friends. Listening to a lot of music. Writing new music. I finally have the impetus to. I just wish I could write music when I was content. Instead of lost.

Time to find what I had given up gladly - myself.

Time to evolve.

In the meantime, let Ani DiFranco songs speak the words I can't seem to find today:

what bugs me
is that you believe what you're saying
what bothers me
is that you don't know how you feel
what scares me
is that while you're telling me stories
you actually
believe that they are real

and i've got
no illusions about you
and guess what?
i never did
and when i said
when i said i'll take it
i meant,
i meant as is

the first person in your life
to ever really matter
is saying the last thing
that you want to hear
and you are listening hard
through the splintering shards
of your life as it shatters
and you're standing firm
and you're staying close
and you're seeing clear

some people wear their smile like a disguise
those people who smile a lot watch the eyes
i know cause i'm like that a lot
you think everything's okay
it is till it's not

some people wear their heart up on their sleave
i wear mine underneath my right pant leg strapped to my boot
don't think cause i'm easy i'm naive
don't think i won't pull it out
don't think i won't shoot

most people like to talk a lot
including you
you know there isn't much i have to say
that i wouldn't rather just shut up and do
i'm gonna miss you when you're gone
i'm gonna be torn
just remember that i love you
just remember you were warned

out of me
on to you...

no more.

Best to the folks that read this. I'll be back. I promise.