
Jesus, what a weekend. The Christ, what a week.

All in all, it wasn't that bad. But as I sit here, pontificating, I'm starting to wonder if it could get any worse.

No idea yet about the job. NOT neat.

No idea yet about where I'll be assigned to until November. ANNOYINGLY Not neat.

Dumbass was reelected, meaning that he was inaugurated - for the second time - last week. FREAKISHLY not neat.

Dumbass says that the only way to ensure American freedom is to ensure freedumb around the globe. With whom, I ask? Aren't we already tapped? And which countries sovreignty are we going to trample on now? Ah, the return of conservative theory in international politics. ABSOLUTELY not neat.

Mother nature douched us with an amazing amount of snow and wind. Would be neat if I was anywhere where they knew how to take care of snow, but since I was in Delaware, it sucked chunks. Would have loved very much to go skiing this weekend. BUTT ASS COLD not neat.

Johnny Carson died. TOTALLY not neat.

The Washington Post just found out that there was a clandestine organization started after 9/11 at the Pentagon under Donald Rumsfeld's order. Congerss just found out about it. Too much power in the hands of one man sounds suspiciously like Washington College all over again. Oh wait, that was run by Republicans that had no prior experience in that given field, too. And who is paying the bills for an organization with that much power? Yeah. SO VERY not neat.

It's very dry here. ASHY SKIN not neat.

I'm still cleaning and fixing up the house. Alone. SCARY BIG HOUSE not neat.

I think I'm going crazy. Perhaps this is the neatest thing of all.

But seriously. It wasn't a bad week. Honest. Just a bunch of things that I can't control. Nothing new.

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