Okay. I saw some seriously funny stuff today.
For starters, I was in Philly for a spell earlier today. We protested Charles Schwab for their monetary involvement in the Bush Privatization proposal for Social Security. Nothing like a protest with lots of different unions, students, and random citizens off the street singing with signs and whistles. Ah! This is why I do this work. Love it.
This morning, I was in Wilmington for a breakfast. As we were leaving, we noticed a woman walking down the street with a bright green dress on. I tried so hard to get a picture with my camera, but I was too late. The thing is that she looked exactly like Mimi from the Drew Carrey Show. I am not lying. She had the makeup and everything - every detail. It was seriously funny shit.
Then, on the way to Philly, we were behind a truck with a bumper sticker that read: "A man and his truck. It's a beautiful thing." That could be classified under two headings in the file drawer: funny and sad. Both at the same time.
That's what you see when you get out of the office. Comedy.
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