Been a while. Well, since I used to blog almost daily, it seems it.
I'm sure that the few folks I know that read this are probably annoyed. So, it seems time for me to post something new.
I will not regale you with the fantastically boring inner workings of my mind this week. Indeed, besides research and wringing my hands together over the status of my life so far, I think others would find it boring. And we're talking ho-hum boring.
So today, I wish to pass along a few thoughts that have been plaguing me whenever I turn on the news this week.
1. BTK. Freakin' creepy. Serial killers tend to have that affect. It's always the quiet ones. Church-going, family-man, seems to live by the rules guy. But crazy as a shit house rat. Every time I get a feeling of security, they find someone like this. The Christ.
2. Weather. Again, the snow issue is huge here. As a girl who loves snow, I would like to officially announce an amendment to my love of snow - I love snow in places where they know what to do with it. Out here, they have no idea. So I do not heart snow here.
3. The Oscars. It's about time they started to represent the diversity of the country. Chris Rock might be one of the few comedians who can get away with some of the things he says because we expect him to do it. Kudos to the Academy for putting him right up front. Jamie Foxx absolutely deserved the golden guy because he is mindblowingly fantastic as Ray Charles. Morgan Freeman finally got the award he deserved, and I can't believe that Annette Benning and Martin Scorsese got screwed again. Now that I know what an ass Leonardo is, er, Leonard as Adam likes to call him - I can't stand watching him. Cate Blanchett is awesome and I'm just pissed that "Finding Neverland" got nothing. They and "Sideways" (so I'm told - I still need to see it) got robbed. ROBBED.
4. I still don't get republicans. At all.
5. Social security is NOT in a crisis. Yet. But for chrissake, will some news source please do an independant report on social security so that people aren't swayed by words like, "Individual/Personal Accounts"? I'd like to think that you can only dupe the country once, but it looks like Bush is banking his place in history on it. All I think about when I see him on the news is that whole bit of banter between Michael Douglas and Michael J. Fox in "The American President" -"Lewis, we've had Presidents who were beloved, who couldn't find a coherent sentence with two hands and a flashlight. People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty, Lewis. They drink it because they don't know the difference." Is that what we've become? I fear it every day.
6. I actually feel for Paris Hilton over this hacked cellphone thing. Because honestly, can anyone really be mad at her for having all of that information in her cellphone? Honestly? Take out your cellphone, folks. Check that address book 'o yours. Do you have it written somewhere else? Do you have the numbers committed to memory? Yeah. Thought so. I mean, I purposely got a palm pilot that wasn't a cellphone because if i lost it, I would be screwed. I figure that if something happens where I lose one, I still have the other. So should celebrities be surprised that she had all of that information on her sidekick? I think not. The lesson here is that he/she who lives in glass houses shouldn't give their personal email or number to Paris Hilton. Or something like that. Ridiculous.
7. I DON'T CARE ABOUT JEN AND BRAD. Much. Leave them alone, for crying out loud. It's hard enough to deal with a divorce.
8. Jacko. You know, I think the real tragedy of the Michael Jackson case is that no member of the current generation will remember him for his music. They'll never know how cool it was growing up, imitating the moonwalk, wearing the red leather jacket with the glove, hiding every time "Thriller" came on MTV - when MTV used to play videos, and hope and pray that they would show "Smooth Criminal" again. Remember when "Black or White" came out and everyone was talking about the end of the video when the people morphed into each other? I mean, he had some real musical genius there. "Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough", "Man in the Mirror", "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" - these were songs our generation grew up with. Until the weirder Jacko emerged and he decided to continue with his plastic surgery, become whiter by the years, marry Lisa Marie, insist that the white-skinned children with blonde hair were his, call his child "Blanket", dangle a baby from a balcony, and turn into the freak he probably was afraid of. Someday they will make a film about Michael Jackson around the lines of "The Aviator" and we will revel in this man's downfall. But in the meantime, I plan on just taking out HIStory and listening.
Yeah. Does anyone else feel like they're in the twilight zone? I sure as hell do. Though I can't really tell if that's because of the news or Delaware. But whatever.
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