
Um, okay. Can we please talk about this "American Idol" stuff?

I admit, I got sucked in. Completely. And I don't know how I feel about it. The entertainment industry is a difficult place. And it should come as no surprise that feelings will be hurt. So I found it amusing. Completely. I think it's good to see so many people with potential and the balls to actually do what they did.

But what I want to talk about is Paula Abdul.

I loved her. Loved. And, no kidding, just a week ago or so, my roommate and I were talking about "the good 'ol days" (something that a number of us in our early 20's are eager to do because we suddenly feel old - poor us, I know). And I was wondering what the hell happened to her. I was reminiscing about the video she did with McScatCat and suddenly, she shows up on "American Idol".

If that's what happened to Paula Abdul, what the hell happened to Tiffani? Or Martika?

And people wonder why I drink.

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