
Briefing Day

Today, I met the delegation that I'd be spending the next two weeks with in Japan and we had a series of meetings to help us begin to wrap our heads around the issues we'd be hearing more about when there.

I suddenly feel like a Coro Fellow all over again. Some of you who actually read this blog are or were Fellows, so you will know what I mean. Those who aren't, don't worry, you'll understand soon enough.

So eleven years ago, I walked into a room with ten other strangers as we introduced each other, were given an icebreaker that involved moving a ball from one point to another using the contents of a basket before being given what is known as the Logic Study. Essentially, we were handed a sheet a paper an hour after walking in the room where the assignment was to discover the "logic" of Long Island City, Queens. We had a handful of pre-set interviews and then had a presentation to give at the end of the day.

Now, ACYPL isn't making us learn the logic of Japan, nor is there a presentation. But these exchanges are, in essence, like being dunked in another country where you try to make heads or tails of it and you come out more enriched because of it.

So today, we had meetings at ACYPL, met with folks from the Japan desk at the State Department and then met with two Japanese Ministers from the Japanese Embassy.

It wasn't an overwhelming feeling. Instead, it reminded me of that moment I was handed my logic study where I felt like I was just beginning to scratch the surface. I stayed mostly quiet today because I feel like I'm just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Let's just say: this is going to be exciting. I'm so excited.

Alright, I'm keeping this short because I need to pack. You bet I had one more trip to CVS. I not only feel better after talking to the other delegates about our packing woes, but I am content that I have what I need.

Time to do a final pack and then bed so I can get up at 4am. Yes. 4am.

Until then, same bat time, same bat channel. See you all from the airport.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Washington, DC

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