
The Story of Us - Why It's Important

Now I know that many of you are sick of political posts. Many have probably unfollowed me, defriended me, all those things. But those who know me at all know that it isn't just politics with me. It's far more than that. I respect people's choices, I respect people's decision to vote for the candidate of their choice. It's why I have, in the course of this campaign, only blocked one person (who got far beyond disagreement) from my friend list because I believe in free speech and democracy.
I just am feeling thisclose to history and sharing. I'm emotional. And it's not just because I'm in Florida and doing my best to GOTMFV.

In all honesty, I'm not just voting against a candidate, which I know you know. Again, I'm voting for a candidate who I have worked with, who I have seen fight, without fanfare, without pushing - because she believes it's the right thing - with my own two eyes. I've been inspired by her for a long, long time. She is someone who is thoughtful, respectful, responsive - and WANTS to help people. Genuinely. I've seen it up close.That is the kind of leader I want. That is the kind of president who will make me proud.

I fought my little butt off in 2008 for this woman and I am humbled to do it again. Because I know she has and will continue to do nothing but fight for me. Seriously. Watch the video at the top of this. Take the time. Because it's really fantastic.
I will admit I have not always agreed with her. I have not always agreed with the current president (very vocally at times). But the price of democracy is understanding that you can't always have things your way. And that the cost of governing is knowing you have to work with the people who disagree with you. The very basis of the Republic lies in discourse, debate, compromise, citizenship - and community. There is clearly only one candidate who comes close to understanding this - and that we must do it together.

We have a chance on Tuesday, a real chance, to elect a person who is the most qualified person to run for president. And yes, to make history.

I am the daughter of immigrants. Who came to this country to build a better life for them and their family. I was the first of my family to be born in this country. I watched my parents work hard, struggle - and get that American Dream (immigrants, they get the job done #YayHamlet). I grew up believing I could do and be anything I wanted by being an American. Yet, despite all of my successes, despite all of my hard work, I cannot escape the invisible barriers of skin and gender.

In 2008, when we won the election, I was elated. In January 2009, you could feel the electricity in the cold DC air at the inauguration. We had done something significant. For the first time, someone whose skin color was close to mine held the highest office of the land. One barrier was broken. Finally.

And in a few days, we have the opportunity to shatter the glass ceiling. We will still have to build steps to climb out of it, but dammit, we are the closest we've ever been. If you ever asked me if I'd see two significant elections where we would be changing the course of human history in my lifetime, I'd tell you that you were out of your damn mind.

I get that people don't like either of them, I really do. But this is crucial. This country is at a boiling point. We've had a summer of hate, of race, or violence. We're more at odds than we are at agreement. We have allowed the ends of the spectrum to pull and tug and pull us away from the center. To me, there is no sitting on the sidelines or being undecided. I know many out there honestly don't know what to do. But this is the time to pick sides. It's time to decide who you are with. Because that's who will decide the course of our tomorrow.

This is important. Tuesday is important. Early voting is important.

And this proud, brown, trade union, progressive daughter of immigrants is going to do everything she can to get out the vote. Because I've learned that the unbelievable only happens when you work your ass off to make it happen. We made history 8 years ago and changed the world. May we do it again next week.

#threedays #GOTMFV #imalwayswithher

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