Okay. So much has happened since I last posted. So to follow in the shoes of Walsh, I will hit the highlights of what hast passed in the past week or so...
1. Frustrated by the moving process (you will see this several times).
2. I spent almost $700 on a hotel room for the Spitzer Fundraiser in NYC. Think that's crazy? He raised $5 million that night.
3. The next night, dropped almost $500 on a different hotel in NYC. But got almost 6,000 points for staying there one night. Whohee!
4. That same night, got the
Fighting Painting Monkeys,
the Lobby Song, and
Pass a Bill song stuck in my head.
5. Later that night, I got two hours of sleep and then Jessica and I left NYC only to be almost killed on the ride home because of the Noreaster that hit last Friday. We did two 360's near exit 13a. Luckily, we weren't hit, nor did we hit the guardrail, we spun over three lanes, and everything was fine. We've been touched by an angel, yo (name the movie line).
6. Friday evening, spent time with the WC kids for SF's birthday. Of course, this meant spending time with Ross, Michael, and Jilly Bear before the event, only to be joined by the fabulous Christine. Five or six short beers, two Boli Stolly's, and a limon shot later, we headed to the party. Where I proceeded to hang out with Elle and the gay boys, Sofa Kingdom, and of course, the WC kids. And included a chocolate cake shot, two Nutty Irishmen, two shots of Jameson, and a shot of SoCoh. And a game of Testicle Tap with all the gay men. Yes, it was as fun and as fabulous and as strange as a drunk night can be.
7. 8:00 am Saturday morning (after going to bed at 4ish), I headed back to NYC with Fabs, Chris, and Chris's roommate, Stevie. Jill couldn't get anyone to cover her shifts at
Morimoto. We had a fabulous time.
8. Got to see the Van Gogh drawings at the Met. Awesome.
9. Got to see Ilana and Olivia and Vicki. And Vicki's friend. Who is interesting, to say the least, at karaoke.
10. Got a hug from the Karaoke man for my
It's the End of the World (As We Know It)performance. Whoot-whoot!
11. I still miss Lucky's and Lalo. Sigh.
12. And Houston's.
13. And the Union Square Holiday Fair.
14. We had a great time.
15. The movers came to pack my stuff on Monday. The guy who assessed my stuff didn't do a great job of assessing how much work they'd have to do. They were fantastic, though. Just took all day. So all of my stuff got packed. Well, stuff for the most part. There was stuff that they took that I didn't want them to take. And stuff they didn't take that they should have. But it's small stuff enough. They worked hard, though. And they were fantastic guys.
16. I went to see Dave last night with Ooter at the Wachovia Center and we had amazing seats. Fantastic, if you will. I realized I am getting old because we bowed out before the end of the encore to avoid the traffic associated with concerts. I have vowed not to do this again.
17. Went to Quizzo just in time for the last two rounds. Placed 4th. Not too bad, considering that we had won twice in a row. Sofa Kingdom placed 3rd, not too far above us. But seriously, do you know the name of the operation that netted Saddam Hussein? Without googling it? Yeah, thought so.
18. That was my last Quizzo for a while. Tear. I'll just have to find it in Albany. Or start it in Albany. Huh.
19. I move into my new apartment on Saturday.
20. I still have lots to do today.
With that being said, I shall leave you be since I need to leave Delelelel at the butt-crack of dawn to make it into Albany by the 11pm conference call. Sweet Lord.