I got an interesting mix for an answer. So I took it again. I got a better answer, but I think I'm sort of between the two.
Here's the one I'm more like:
Expressive Practical Intellectual Giver. This makes you a Catch.
- You are a magazine-cover, matinee idol dreamboat.
- Parents love you and want to set you up with their kids.
- However, first dates are tough because it takes time for your qualities to come out.
- You are generous and kind.
- You think first and act later.
- You are cool in a conflict, but your practical side means if your partner throws out emotional appeals ("why can't we do what I want for a change?") they will grate on your nerves, even when the conflict is resolved.
- You're a romantic.
- You enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and you don't just fall into bed with anyone.
- You pay close attention to your significant other's needs, and this makes you an excellent lover and partner.
- The problem is that your friends and lovers may find it so easy to express things to *you* that they lose sight of whether you feel as comfortable with *them*! This doesn't necessarily make you feel under-appreciated -- you're too well-adjusted and self-aware for that -- but you may feel restless. Thus you seek adventure in your life outside the relationship to prove and actualize yourself.
- Of all the types, you would make the best parent.
- You are coiffed. Didja see "Big Fish"? 'Cause you're like Ewan MacGregor in "Big Fish."
- Of the 14743 people who have taken this quiz, 8.2 % are this type.
On the other hand, I took a "Which West Wing Character are you Most Like?" Quiz and came up with Jed Bartlett as my number one. Leave it to a dork like me to be wicked excited about that:
Your Top Three Matches Are:
1. Jed Bartlet. You ahve the capacity for brilliance, and you know it, too. Your faith in yourself can lead you far, but it also makes you stubborn as hell. Honor is everything to you, and compromise never sits easily.
2. Sam Seaborn. Self-effacing and sensitive to others' needs, you tend to internalize your own frustrations. You have incredible faith in the goodness of people, and colliding with harsh reality can be painful.
3. Leo McGarry. Rational and realistic, you keep tightly self-controlled. you have a sort fuse, but you balance it with a dry sense of fun. Unforgiving of your own weaknesses, you're loyal to a fault to others.
Yessiree, I'm procrastinating pretty hard core today. Otay. Back to work.
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