The last two days have been stressful, at best. A missing dog certainly is a harrowing experience. As we begin to process what has happened, given the holiday, I thought I would try to distill the random thoughts, little discoveries - and yes, thankfuls in each. Because I learned a lot over the past two days. About so many things. And you know, perspective.
1. I think I like the country far more than I ever thought. Except when your dog is missing. Then I don't like it as much as I thought I would. But only because it is a maddening search area for many reasons. Thankful for the people that live out in that area and their community.
2. We got Fiona around Thanksgiving two years ago. I'm always thankful for her. I'm now doubly thankful this year because we survived a pretty horrendous fear with such a great ending. Everyone's good vibes, prayers and love definitely helped. The Universe smiled upon us. Simply grateful.
3. Hunting season is a two edged sword when your dog is missing in the woods. On one hand, it scared the crap out of her and probably had her move further out (we found her nearly 4 miles from where she ran off). On the other hand, there were a number of people in the woods and could keep an eye out for her and were doing so. Thankful to the ones we encountered who had actually seen her and/or promised to keep an eye out.
4. Little puppies with a splint on their leg while wearing a cone of shame is probably one of the best distractions from the insanity, anxiety and insecurities of the last day. Who doesn't need puppy snuggles even on a good day? Thankful for little Mike (Lou, Will, whatever anyone wanted to call him) for the comic relief.
5. Ziggy was actually really eager to find Fiona when we went out into the woods yesterday. If we had gone earlier than 3:45, Pete and I are pretty convinced he would have led us to her or pretty close because the second he hit those woods, he made a beeline while sniffing the ground. He didn't want to give up when we had to turn back as it was getting dark and started to rub against the ground every couple of feet as we were heading back. He also made it a point today to pee on the trees closest to her bed that we laid out. In his own way, we'd like to think he was helping her find familiar scents. He was also visibly happy to see her return which was pretty adorable). Thankful for our other amazing dog, who really does listen and follow Pete and I very well no matter where we are.
6. Today was the one day I didn't care that Fiona lost her manners and jumped all over me. I've never been happier to see her. And I've never wanted her to jump on me so I could hug her more. Thankful we were given that opportunity and reunion.
7. Even more amazing, beyond some clearly sore paws and a redder nose, she was clean - no ticks, no fleas, no sign of anything. She is a little tweaked (God only knows what happened last night) but for the most part, she's pretty good. She is, however, exhausted and you can tell. She was pretty happy and friendly and yes, she was found on someone's porch. We are unsure how long she was there but thank god someone not only notified us but took a picture so we had a positive ID. that made a huge difference. Because #9 below. Thankful that she is safe and sound and okay.
8. Never underestimate the power of people having empathy for a lost dog. So many folks were suspicious of our patrols until they learned the situation and were more than eager to help. Everyone shared the digital posts far and wide to their networks. We are indebted to their assistance and support. We are thankful for community. For fellowship.
9. There's a really high percentage of chocolate labs in the Grafton, NY area. Like, 4 out of every 5 dogs I saw were some chocolate lab or mix. Super strange and made the already difficult task of finding a brown dog in the woods in the winter not just more challenging, but weirdly amusing. On a side note, there's apparently a lot of cats in those woods as well. And a porcupine at the Peace Pagoda. Thankful everyone up there is an animal lover!
10. Most importantly: we have the best friends in the world. We cannot stress how thankful and grateful we are to everyone and to those that spent their Saturday and Sunday finding our girl. It really was the thing that got us through the last 26 hours and sustained us; knowing everyone the same grim determination to find her as we did whether you were close or far away - it all helped immensely. Just know you not only made our day, weekend and holiday, but you made our souls super happy and content knowing we have surrounded ourselves with such amazing and beautiful people.
Thank you for everything. We are truly feeling blessed and loved all around.