FUN ON A PLANESo I just returned from the motherland, The Land of Pleasant Smiles, the Philippines.
Or as I call it, the Land of Brown.
While I have many pictures and stories to tell, here's a gem:
My mom and I are in the exit row of the plane on the 17 hour leg of the journey (yes, seventeen hours - on the way to the Philippines, it's eighteen) and sometime in the middle of it, I wake up out of a sound nap to discover a long line waiting to use the bathroom. Two woman are standing and opposite of them is a mother and her little child. I notice the little child is doing the pee-pee dance, holding himself. It's pretty obvious he has to go pretty bad.
I decide to watch to see if one of the women will let him go before them. I look over at my mom and notice she's watching, too.
Then she bemusedly says to me when she notices me looking at her, "Yeah, but the funny thing is, no one is in the bathroom."
And I look up to see that the "Occupied" light is not on. And they all continue to wait in line.
No, we weren't jerks. As soon as I noticed this and had a bit of a laugh, one of the ladies seemed to lose patience and pushed the door slightly, realized it was empty, and let the little boy go in.
You gotta laugh when you can on a 17 hour flight.
P to the S: Kudos to Mai-chan who actually offered up a suggestion to my Snakes on a Plane challenge. I'm still taking applications.