
Any self-respecting fag hag could tell you. Hell, I knew from the minute I saw him that my gaydar, honed over years and years of collecting gay men like shoes, went off like fireworks. In fact, I think the reading was: "Gayer than Liberace's Underpants".

The thing is, who cares? And his bandmates are supportive, though it's for their sakes he kept in the closet. It is interesting to find out that Joey Fatone found out when walking in on him and his first boyfriend, though...

Now if Lance Bass would just take the time, go back into the closet, through the underground railroad, grab Clay Aiken's hand and a host of other closeted gay boys I can think of and lead them to the light, that would be a news-worthy accomplishment.


For a rant.

This is a plea for all those drivers out there. If you decide to go the speed limit or just slightly above, that's fine. Just stay in the right hand lane.

It's just that simple. Because the left lane is the passing lane. If there's a car behind you, looking like it's ready to ram you in half, you might want to think about travelling in the right hand lane when you get a free pass. Because you're driving all those people in a hurry absolutely crazy.

I'm serious. I just spent the better part of four hours getting back to Albany from NYC and I'm pissed off as hell at those left lane ho-hum-not-paying-attention-look-at-the-pretty-scenery-so-I'm-going-to-slow-down-drivers.

Please. For everyone's sanity. Consider it an act of random kindness. We'll thank you.


Frankly, I'm a little disturbed.

So I just took my mother to see The DaVinci Code as a present for taking such good care of me this past week following my tonsilectomy.

P.S. - trying to do absolutely nothing for a week is maddening so the minute I felt better, I took advantage. Recovery is hard. Seriously. Try sitting through that movie for the second time, I know you won't!


So it's not the movie that disturbs me (surprisingly) but after the movie, I found I had to use the ladies' room. I suppose that not being able to really eat for a week except for liquid for the most part will do that to you. That was probably more information that you needed to know for the purposes of this story. So...

Here's what disturbed me:

In the bathroom, not one, not two, but three ladies walked out of the stall, passed the sink and walked right out.


Didn't ladies stop just walking out of the bathroom without washing their hands in the early 90's? I want to say it was pooh-poohed pretty loudly when I was growing up - and when you live with an infection control nurse for the better part of your life, you wash your hands every five seconds and notice when others don't.

Am I the only one taken aback by this? One, that happens. Two, that's a coincidence. Three? That's just wrong. Didn't these ladies get the memo? It's good to wash after doing your business in the bathroom to prevent the spread of germs/disease/right-wing conservatism?

Is it just me? I got the memo. And I'm pretty sure that a good 94% of women out there got it, too. Because I haven't seen a women not wash her hands after using the restroom since before puberty. I'd say these three women were like finding unicorns in the forest, but no matter which way you slice it, I was just grossed out.

Seriously. Is it just me?!