
I saw ladybugs doing it. I swear to God.

It was last week at Bristol Hills Music Camp.

I swear to you that this story gets better. Yes, I was at MUSIC CAMP in Canandaigua - and it's for vocals, strings, and band instru...oy, nevermind. Fine, I go to band camp. Are you happy? Damnhellass American Pie movies.

Anyway, we're coming back from lunch and I'm headed to the latrine because my cabin had latrine duty.

Seriously, this is a good story, stop laughing.

And two of the other counselors - let's call them Porky and Uh-huh (we have this Little Rascal thing going on) call out, "Hey Keeza, come over here! You gotta see this!"

Trash bags wrapped around my neck and both hands full of toilet paper rolls, I saunder over to where they were bent at the waist peering at the ground. As I arrive, they have this goofy look on their face.

I take a look and see one ladybug and another one underneath it. I squint my eyes and realize that I'm seeing two ladybugs mate. The shrieks of girlish giggles ensues as we all stare at the two ladybugs, each of us shaking our head back and forth and murmuring, "I had no idea they did it like that."

So yes, arts appreciation sleep-away camps are just full of sex-education. It's just that this one was the kind that you'd see monkeys engaging in at the zoo on a hot summer day between them throwing poo.

Enough from my end. Back to work. Oy.